

Hey there! I am here again with a quick rundown of my “bakalářská práce”. In the theoretical part, I dove deep into the nitty-gritty of digital product design, marketing, and branding. It’s like a treasure trove of knowledge that laid the foundation for the practical magic that followed.


Now, let’s take a quick tour of the practical part:

Project and Product Overview

I introduced Rarité, my brainchild - an innovative platform that’s all about supporting small and medium-sized artists, curators, and galleries in the European market. It’s not just another boring art platform; it’s a community-building powerhouse with a laser focus on visual content and an integrated approach to selling, creating, and sharing art.

Competitive Analysis of competitors

I put on my detective hat and analyzed the heck out of the competition. From Artsy to Instagram, I left no stone unturned. The goal? To figure out how Rarité can stand out in a crowded market and offer something truly unique.


Target Audience

I created six user personas that represent the diverse needs and desires of Rarité’s target audience. These personas are like the secret sauce that guides the design and development of the platform.

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Finding the right name

Naming is an art form in itself, and I walked you through the process of crafting the perfect name for Rarité. It’s not just about sounding cool; it’s about capturing the essence and values of the brand. Therefore, I settled on Rarité.

Rare + Art + é (French elegant style)

Visual Identity

I took you on a journey through the creation of Rarité’s visual identity. From the logo and color palette to typography and graphic elements, every aspect was carefully designed to communicate the brand’s values and mission.

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Slogan and Tone of Voice

I analyzed two potential slogans for Rarité and discussed the importance of maintaining a consistent and authentic tone of voice across all communication channels.

Social art club / Art selling made easy.


Brand Personality

I explored how Rarité embodies the archetypes of the Creator and the Regular Guy/Gal, with elements of the Caregiver and the Magician. These archetypes shape the brand’s personality and help it connect with its target audience on a deeper level.

Design System

I walked you through Rarité’s UI design system, which is all about optimization, consistency, and scalability. From buttons and text inputs to post previews and quick action menus, every element is designed with the user in mind.

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Rarité Application

I gave you a grand tour of the Rarité application, showcasing its unique features and innovative approach to buying and selling art. It’s not just another boring art platform; it’s a social powerhouse that brings together artists, collectors, and art lovers in a dynamic and engaging way. And of course, to discover your ideal date, the painting you want to hang on your wall.

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I introduced Rarité’s website, which serves as a compelling funnel that guides visitors towards registering for the application. Through strategic storytelling and scrollytelling techniques, the website captures the essence of Rarité and motivates users to join the community.

User Testing

I shared insights from user testing sessions, which helped refine and optimize the application’s user interface and key features. Because at the end of the day, it’s all about creating an intuitive and enjoyable experience for the users.

Application Monetization

I discussed Rarité’s monetization model, which focuses on fairness, sustainability, and added value for all stakeholders. From affiliate programs and sales commissions to future features like online auctions, Rarité has a well-thought-out plan for generating revenue while supporting its community.

Marketing and Product Launch

I presented a comprehensive marketing strategy for successfully launching Rarité in the Czech art community. From building anticipation through mysterious teasers to leveraging the power of word-of-mouth marketing and viral effects, Rarité has a multi-faceted approach to capturing the attention and interest of its target audience.

Online Communication

I delved into Rarité’s online marketing strategy, which encompasses social media, user-generated content, email marketing, online advertising, and SEO techniques. The goal is to effectively reach and engage the target audience while building a strong and recognizable brand in the digital space.

Collaboration with Galleries

I introduced Rarité’s innovative affiliate system, which allows galleries and art dealers to directly participate in promoting and selling artworks through the platform. By offering attractive commissions and exclusive benefits, Rarité aims to build a robust network of partners that will help drive the platform’s growth and success.

So there you have it, a blitz tour of my final work. It’s been one heck of a ride, but I couldn’t be more excited about the potential of Rarité to chenge the art world. Thanks for joining me on this journey, and remember - when you want to sell your art, Rarité is the way.